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World Arthritis Day: Ayurveda expert on herbs and remedies to manage arthritis

News Desk:
  • প্রকাশ | বুধবার, ১২ অক্টোবর, ২০২২
  • ৩১৪ পাঠক

World Arthritis Day 2022: Arthritis can affect all aspects of your life. Living with arthritis can not only limit mobility but also puts one at risk of depression due to chronic pain and discomfort. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints along with stiffness and the symptoms often get worse in the morning.

There are over 100 kinds of arthritis that may affect one. Symptoms of arthritis can be made more tolerable and less painful with regular medication and healthy lifestyle changes that involve a healthy diet, remaining physically active, exercises among other. One can also try some Ayurveda remedies and herbs which can help reduce pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.

“There are varied causes that lead to the formation of Rheumatoid arthritis or Vata Rakta and including excessive consumption of saline, sour, pungent, alkaline, unctuous, hot, and uncooked food, intake of mutually contradictory food, sleeping during the day time and remaining awake at night or any injury to the joints. All these factors trigger both the Vata and Rakta constituents and thus lead to the formation of the disease,” says Dr Archana Sukumaran, Ayurveda doctor (BAMS) at Kerala Ayurveda.

Characterised by red, inflamed joints that result in decreased mobility, rheumatism is of many types

According to Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis of Vata rakta is caused by vitiated Vata and Rakta and affects smaller joints first.

“It is an autoimmune disease that affects joint linings and eventually causes bone erosion and deformities. Symptoms are red, inflamed joints and stiffness that worsen in the morning or after inactivity,” says the expert.

“Osteoarthritis or Sandhigatavata is arthritis of old age, caused by wear and tear of joints. The symptoms include pain and stiffness that increase with activity and a grinding sensation in joints. Gouty arthritis or Amavata, is another kind of arthritis due to the accumulation of uric acid components in the joints. It causes severe, sudden attacks of pain in joints, especially the big toe, and a burning sensation,” adds Dr Archana while explaining the different kinds of arthritis as per Ayurveda.

Causes of arthritis

According to Dr Archana, osteoarthritis is caused due to dhathukshaya or tissue erosion due to old age, cold climate, and dry, cold food consumption. All this leads to vitiation of Vata and pain in joints.

She says gout results from a vitiation of Vata along with Ama or metabolic toxins. This results in vitiation of vata in association with ama, causing redness and burning sensation in joints.

Preventive measures

Ayurveda mentions the specific level of preventive measures for arthritis that can be adopted to help you:

● Controlling the food you consume recklessly

● Reduce the incompatibles that you intake

● Normalizing the route of Vata by doing mild exercise

● Reducing continuous journeys in vehicles or other means of transportation

Ayurvedic management for arthritis

Dr Archana says the treatment for arthritis is divided into different stages – it involves a Shodhana (eliminative procedure), Shamana (Alleviation techniques), and the local application of medicines.

– In the beginning, pain-alleviating therapy should be given to the patient. This may include Kerala Panchakarma Therapies or external medicines.

– Several herbal formulations are available in Ayurveda, which can be taken under an Ayurveda physician’s supervision. Source: HT

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