1. shahinit.mail@gmail.com : dhaka24 : ঢাকা টোয়েন্টিফোর
  2. arifturag@gmail.com : ঢাকা টোয়েন্টিফোর : ঢাকা টোয়েন্টিফোর
সোমবার, ০৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৩:৪৩ পূর্বাহ্ন

Dates, fruits to be more costly during Ramadan due to LC opening crisis

This year, the consumers will have to spend more money than usual in case of purchasing dates and other fruits—two essential items in iftar during Ramadan, due to importers’ difficulty in opening letters of credit বিস্তারিত...

Narsingdi’s child is proud of Arai Hazar Upazila : Part 3

Under the active supervision of Dr. Saima Afroz, Health and Family Planning Officer of Araihajar Upazila Health Complex, special health service cards are available for freedom fighters. Through special healthcare card, necessary tests can be


Narsingdi’s child is proud of Arai Hazar Upazila- part: 2

Dr. Saima Afroz has been playing an important role in the health service since joining Araihazar Upazila Health Complex in ensuring the health care of the rural people under her supervision. 36 community clinics have


Narsingdi’s child is proud of Arai Hazar Upazila- part: 1

Narsingdi's child is proud of Arai Hazar Upazila. On 31/12/2020 English Date Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Saima Afroz joined Arai Hazar Upazila Health


Polio case found in New York City suburb, first in nearly a decade

An adult resident of suburban New York City was diagnosed with polio after experiencing paralysis a month ago, state and local health officials said on Thursday, marking the nation’s first confirmed case of the disease


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